The Center City District (CCD) hosted a day-long session of panel discussions, funded by the Knight Foundation. A panel of experts, that included Jim Paterno (SREA), Craig Grossman (Goldman Properties), Jim Pearlstein (Pearl Properties), David Grasso (Grasso Holdings), Adam Hill (Packard Place) and Bob Monnat (Mandel Group) addressed various topics on the growth and economy of real estate in the City of Philadelphia. Some of the issues examined were the growing number of independent and freelance workers in Philadelphia and the way infrastructure and office space is changing. The panel also touched on co-working and creative spaces that have become more popular in cities across the nation due to the collaborative and synergistic environment these spaces create and how Philadelphia is providing the resources needed to survive and strive in the City. The panel also addressed different ways to develop and retain local talent, the needs of entrepreneurs and freelancers in urban communities and the types of services and specializations of Philadelphia’s co-working spaces.